Silents is not always the answer to quite time.

As a child.... I never knew the importance of finding your own voice. When I speak about finding your voice, I'm referring to being able to advocate for yourself in all aspects of life. I grew up in the be seen and not heard era and that played a role in who I became as an adult. I become a very to myself person and never was able to show the real me, because I lacked confidents in myself. I was never poured into as a child, or celebrated for the wins I would have in life. I learned that pouring into your children is very important because it builds the confidents, they will need in adulthood. As a mother, I pour, spill, overflow and anything else to build the foundation for my girls to know who they are. And provide them with the tools they need to speak up for themselves and never allow anything to alter that.
I always wondered if parents knew how much of an effect this has on the overall individual. As a child we look to the Big People in are life to make sure we are provided with all the tools we need in life. But I feel this is a big one that is overlooked a lot! Then we wonder why some people are not able to move forward in life the way they should because they don't know how to find their voice.
Now don't get me wrong I know other factors can play a role in the personality of individuals but I'm speaking solely about the lack of encouragement to speak up for you. This then persist into adulthood and the individual is challenged with being able to communicate properly and they end of not thriving at their full potential. Some quite children just need to know they are seen and to hear you believe in them.
The mind is an amazing tool and can be altered with what you put into it and can have a profound effect on your mental health, self-esteem, and overall motivation. Consistent encouragement can play a vital role in fostering a healthy resilient, and motivated mindset. Let's take the time to pour into our little people the way we should have been poured into.
I appreciate you all for taking the moment to get into my thoughts and please interactive with me. I would love to hear your opinion on this topic.
" We get one shot at this thing called life, why not give it your best shot!"
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